How You Can Help


While the Galapagos ecosystem has survived pirates, whalers, sealers, settlers, fishermen and tourists, there is an ever increasing need to protect the wildlife from invasive species and unsustainable economic growth.

The two main organisations involved in the conservation of the islands, the Galapagos National Park and the Charles Darwin Foundation, need funds and technical assistance to carry our research and conservation work throughout the archipelago, to bolster the ecosystem against the ever increasing threats.


If you wish to become a member of ‘Friends of Galapagos’ there are many ways you can contribute depending on your circumstances:

  • Individual: $30 NZ  pa.
  • Joint: $40 NZ pa.
  • Life – Individual: $300 NZ
  • Life – Joint $400 NZ
  • Corporate: $250 NZ pa.
  • Donation: Any amount

Overseas membership, as above but in US or AUS Dollars.

Our newsletters now go out via email. If you prefer to receive newsletters via regular mail, please add $15 per year to the above membership cost.


Donations of any amount are always welcome.

Please make cheques payable to Friends of Galapagos New Zealand and send to:

Friends of Galapagos New Zealand
PO Box 11-639, Wellington
New Zealand

For direct Internet transfers please contact us at

Fund Raising with The Dining Card

We are thrilled to be teaming up with The Dining Card, an exclusive discount card featuring repeat discounts (up to 50% off total bill) to hundreds of the most popular restaurants and cafés in Auckland.  By purchasing a Dining Card, not only will you be helping our charity, but you will also save money every time you eat out!

For every Dining Card we sell, FOGNZ receives 20% of the sale proceeds.

How you can help?

  1. Buy a Dining Card online. Visit to purchase your Dining Card and FOGNZ will receive 20% of the sales proceeds. A one year subscription to the Dining Card costs $50 and gives the holder repeat discounts to hundreds of the most popular restaurants and cafés in Auckland! Monthly subscriptions are also available.
  2. Spread the word. Encourage your friends, family, colleagues and neighbours to purchase a Dining Card online in support of FOGNZ.

Visit to browse The Dining Card’s restaurant and café directory and discover their amazing deals.

If you have any questions about this fundraising with The Dining Card please contact us at and if you have any questions about the Dining Card you can email

Thank you for your continued support!