AGM 2013 Notice
Friends of Galapagos New Zealand
Notice of Annual General Meeting
to be held on 1 October 2013
At 5.00 pm in
Western Springs Garden Community Hall
956 Great North Road, Western Springs
1) Welcome
2) Minutes of 2012 AGM
3) Chairman’s report on the activities of the Society
4) Approval of the Accounts
5) Appointment of Auditor
6) Proposed Rule Changes
i) Rule 11 last bullet point currently states that:
“The Executive shall meet at least twice a year in person but may hold additional meeting by whatever means they deem appropriate.”
It is proposed that the last bullet point be changed to:
“The Executive shall meet at least twice a year, in person, by teleconference or other means.”
ii) All bullet points in the Rules shall be changed to numerals.
7) Election of Executive Committee:
Note. The following members of the Executive Committee have offered themselves for re election, Colin Ryder, Paula Warren, Isabel Castro, Warwick Reed and Julian Fitter. Luis Ortiz-Catedral has offered himself for election. Any further nominations must be received by 30 September 2013.
8) Any Other Business