AGM: Chairman’s report
The Chairman was able to report on a growing and healthy organisation.
A highlight for the year was the completion of Peter Hiemstra’s volunteer work in the Galapagos. Peter was supported by FOGNZ and the Hamish Saunders Memorial Foundation, and worked as a database expert for the Charles Darwin Research Station. His original three month stint as a volunteer was extended by a contract from the station – clear proof of the value they placed on his work. Working with partners to support the involvement of New Zealanders in Galapagos conservation work is a vital role that we can play.
But to continue to play that and other roles, we need to maintain the organisation. Our current members are the mainstay of the organisation, but if we are to increase our work we also need to increase our membership. So please encourage your friends to join.
The report on administrative matters was positive, with Cathy continuing to provide excellent service, and our website constantly improving.