News archive for 2012
FOGNZ Newsletter December 2012
Galapagos Matters Autumn/Winter 2012
In the Autumn/Winter edition find out the enchanted highlands, find out more about Lonesome George and his ongoing legacy, and find out about the latest conservation projects going on in the archipelego, and much more.
FOGNZ Annual Accounts to 31 March 2012
FOGNZ AGM 2012 Chairman’s report
Read what FOGNZ got up to in 2011/2012.
FOGNZ AGM minutes
Here are the minutes from this year’s AGM that was held in August.
Floreana Mockingbird Update
Luis Ortiz, Head of Restoration at the Charles Darwin Foundation, has provided an update on the Floreana Mockingbird Project. The Floreana Mockingbird is one of the rarest species of bird on the planet, and about a hundred birds are found on two tiny rocky islands near Floreana Island in the south of the archipelago. Find […]
Notice of Annual General Meeting 2012
The fifth Annual General Meeting of Friends of Galapagos New Zealand will be held at 5.00 pm on Monday August 20th 2012 in Turnbull House, 11 Bowen Street, Wellington – opposite the Beehive. All members are more than welcome to attend. The AGM Agenda is attached and the previous minutes and reports will be available […]
Galapagos Talk by Tui De Roy
Galapagos: The Inside Story by Tui De Roy 5:30pm, 20th August 2012 Turnbull House (opposite Beehive), Bowen St, Wellington We’re delighted to invite you to an abundantly illustrated slideshow on the half-century battle to preserve Galapagos, told by world-renown wildlife photographer Tui De Roy. Tui arrived in Galapagos at the age of 2 and grew […]
Loss of a Lonesome friend
FROM THE FIELD… a note from Tui Lonesome George © Tui De Roy Once again I’m on my yearly pilgrimage to Galapagos, three months this time. But today is a day of mourning – for the islands, and for the world: Yesterday morning Lonesome George, icon of conservation and the only remaining Pinta Tortoise, breathed […]
News from CDF May 2012
Galapagos Matters Spring/Summer 2012
In the Spring /Summer edition of Galapagos Matters find out why Darwin’s Finches are the rock stars of evolutionary biology, what steps are being taken to ensure a sustainable future for townships on the Islands, get an update on the penguin and cormorant monitoring, and much more…
New Era Galapagos Foundation Newsletter March 2012
Here is a download of March 2012 Newsletter from the New Era Galapagos Foundation
Where are the Blue-Footed Boobies?
Here is a download of a newsletter received from Galapagos Conservancy
Galapagos Matters Autumn/Winter 2011
Here is the Autumn/Winter 2011 edition of Galapagos Matters (formerly Galapagos News). Find out about tourists in Galapagos – how many is too many? Also, are boobies taking a dive? – read about the worrying decline of this iconic species and also a special article on Galapagos’ smallest inhabited isle – Floreana.
Floreana Mockingbird Project News January 2012
Luis Ortiz-Catedral has given us an update from the Reintroduction of the Floreana Mockingbird Project for January 2012. The Floreana Mockingbird is currently only found on two small islets off the coast of Floreana and is extinct on Floreana itself. This ambitious project aims to reintroduce the Floreana Mockingbird on its native island.
News from the Charles Darwin Foundation
Here is some information from the Charles Darwin Foundation
Floreana Mockingbird Project News Sept-Dec 2011
Here is a download of news from the Floreana Mockingbird Project for September to December 2011.
Chairman’s Report 2011
Here is a download of the Chairman’s Report 2011
AGM Minutes 2011
Here is a download of the AGM Minutes 2011
Latin Link
Here is some information on Latin Link – a corporate sponsor of FOGNZ